
Thursday, December 16, 2010


Nah it's not about Mike Posner nothing related to him at all.I just wanna share some story untold but it's real.I know I don't hv the authority the right to judge attitude.But I came across someone who of course will be denoted as anonymous in this side of story.She grew up in gold mine,not literally -_- She'd never even been exposed to the word poverty.Not at all.

She was surrounded by wealth,pampered with money.Cry and protest would do the trick to get wht she wanted,the way she wanted.She could never ran out of money,never would I think.But wht I saw year by year was a massive change.It gave me a whole lot of lesson about money.Money can never buy happiness but to her,money is where happiness is.She spent wht,about more thn hundred bucks for some stupid old fashioned flipflop?I shouldnt care about it,it's not my life it's hers.

The way I said it,it's too much.She gets all she wanted but it would never be enuff for her,she wanted more.She wanted too look in trend who knows everything about fashion,technology,anything.Upper class taste suits her well.She never worked hard to get wht she wanted cause every single thing were another people's problem.

Oh come on,grow up,money makes you blind.Maybe the parents spoiled her too much.Someday I presume,someday she'll know how to really work to get wht you wanted.This is clearly not my problem but heck,I want to write it after all.

P/s:You can never undo your mistakes,first you have to erase the evidence

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